Public Employees Legal, LLP

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The Silenced No More Act’s Effect on Employment Separation Agreements

California Ban on Mandatory Arbitration Agreements for Employees

Can My Public Employer Require Me To Get The COVID-19 Vaccine?

PERB Decision Finds Union Authorization Forms Confidential

Circuit Court Ruling Now Allows Federal Employees To Challenge Placement On A Performance Improvement Plan (P.I.P.), Not Just Failure of a P.I.P.

Cal/OSHA Prepares to Vote on New COVID-19 Regulations as Employees Return to the Workplace

The PRO Act’s Potential Impact on Labor Law

California Law Requires Employers In The Travel And Hospitality Industries To Offer Open Positions To Laid Off Employees

New California Law Enacts Retroactive 2021 Emergency Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Law

DFEH Answers Frequently Asked Questions About Vaccinations

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